Friday 31 August 2018

Under the "fiscally responsible" Progressive Conservative Party, policy reduced the Heritage Fund worth to 17.4 billion compared to Norway's similar fund at nearly $100 billion. Now Cons want to drain public funds to prop up large business and fund religious schools.

Under the "fiscally responsible" Progressive Conservative Party, policy reduced the Heritage Fund worth to 17.4 billion compared to Norway's similar fund at nearly $100 billion. Now Cons want to drain public funds to prop up large business and fund religious schools.

At least the NDP makes sure low income earners get tax breaks to cushion the blow. They've also even working to diversify industry - hard when there's one overwhelmingly industry with minimal education requirements for well paid jobs.

1 comment:

  1. People don't seem to remember that there was a recession under the last PC government.

    I don't know why we would trust them with money to but milk.
