Monday 10 September 2018

Do you choose your credit cards based on the reward program? Or are reward programs separate for you?

Do you choose your credit cards based on the reward program? Or are reward programs separate for you?

I have one card because it has good cashback rates (which I guess is a reward program) and another because it works with Google Pay. I do understand how to access my rewards but I can see that being difficult if it's not straight up cash back. I used to use an AirMiles credit card but AirMiles aren't what they used to be.


  1. I just make sure one is Visa and one is MC and they are from different banks to avoid a single point of failure.

  2. My house mate has a credit card through a grocery store that includes rewards that can be used for credit towards grocery purchases. That's useful. They also actively use air travel miles, but those are typically an aggravation to claim at convenient times, and the taxes and fuel surcharges that have to be paid add up, sometimes to close to half the regular cost.

    I have never claimed a reward on my own card. After 5 years, I have accumulated about enough for the lowest end iPad, which is something I do not need.

    Back when I was young we used to accumulate grocery store stamps, paste them into books, and redeem them. I seem to recall that I got a badminton set that way (not a trivial thing for our economic bracket), and a stopwatch that I still have somewhere, and I think it might also have been how I got my first Digital Watch (with a special snooze alarm!)

    These days, though, most of the available rewards through my credit card feel like things that I would not bother to buy at a Dollar Store.

  3. ... I just noticed that g+ automatically hyphenated my post in a couple of places. I had not realized it had that capability.

  4. They can all keep their reward programs and just lower interest rates, in my world. The only cards with have with 'rewards' are cash back. That's at least minimally useful. But they could save a bunch of time and money by eliminating them and not having to keep track of all that crap in the first place. Just be a source of payment. That's all I want from a card. No fees, low interest, works when Amazon calls my name, boom.

  5. most of us chose it by the reward program

  6. Wessam Nawar So it seems, what reward program do you value

    Chris Pollard I get around the interest thing by not carrying a balance on the cc and having enough float that the bank pays the fees.
