Tuesday 25 September 2018

I can't see this working for low wage or service industry workers. I'm guessing they skip the retire stage.

I can't see this working for low wage or service industry workers. I'm guessing they skip the retire stage.

Since retiring I've been busy doing all the stuff I didn't have time to do well while I was working. Granted some of this is one off but there are a lot of repetitive tasks that go into daily life. Fred actually gained an appreciation for stay at home parents as his days filled with home maintenance and caring for a senior dog who doesn't like him. Plus we have options. We can work but don't have to work so we can set limits on hours. And let's talk about that gig economy. Once you are wealthier, you can tap into much different pay scale for those gigs. Upper management and chair holders don't suddenly end up in minumum wage part time jobs. Their connections find things for them - even in new careers.

So sounds good but isn't realistic for, I'm guessing, those people with less than a year salary saved. And that's a lot of people


  1. It’s also a matter of how many people (in the USA, specifically) who are past 65 have daily child care responsibilities.

  2. I have no illusions of retirement, unless the lottery fairy pays me a visit. lol Even my boss, who turned 66 this year, doesn't have any clear retirement plans. Heck, we've got a sales guy in another market who's into his 80s and still going.
