Sunday 16 September 2018

If curious about Facebook's five fact-check organizations:

If curious about Facebook's five fact-check organizations:

Associated Press
The Weekly Standard


  1. I try to avoid articles with click bait style headlines because I don't want to drive traffic to a site

    Youuuuu are my hero!

    Thinkprogress and free thought project threaten to do to the left what Fox news, talk radio, and Breitbart have done to the right.

  2. So, this morning I'm out with the g/f eating yet another hi-calorie breakfast at the Eagles Club up the road. The g/f is on Facebook, gazing at her phone - and asks "What's the difference between a big C Conservative and a small c conservative?"

    I answer: "A small c conservative says 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' The Big C Conservative says 'Government shouldn't be the first approach to any solution for any of mankind's problems, seeing as such solutions usually do about as much harm as good.' Problem is, you won't find any conservatives in the Republican Party anymore, which kinda makes life hard on actual conservatives, as they don't have much political representation these days. It's harder to be a conservative. Liberals get to propose all these fine solutions but it's conservatives who end up paying for them."

    The guy at the next table over, salt of the earth character, who I'm guessing was a conservative - gives me the strangest look, narrows his eyes a little bit, then nods his head gravely, silently agreeing with me.

    I've read Weekly Standard since its first issue. I am no conservative, big C or small, believing, as I do, that governments are often the best approach to mankind's problems, especially in light of how capitalism works. I am also a firm believer in capitalism, I just believe it's perfectly capable of pulling us all down the tracks to a modicum of prosperity as a society.

    I don't begrudge Weekly Standard its place on the rostrum. Fact is, Conservatism is a needful political stance, keeping this society honest. Liberal headlines rule the media. Conservative media - except for Fox News, which by any definition is just a bunch of lickspittle fascists, you could shoot every one of them through the head with an M1911 pistol and not kill an honest Conservative - where have the honest conservative magazines gone? Weekly Standard is the only one left, that I know of, anyway.

  3. In this case, the Weekly Standard is arguing semantics - which would be remedied by a better headline. Dan Weese I don't think conservatives can ever be represented by a party. It seems, up here anyway, that Conservative ideals would involve much more expense due to policing and incarceration of people doing things that are really no one else's business.

  4. Cass Morrison Well, having once called myself a Capital C Conservative, only to be ostracised by my father for my belief that Ronald Reagan was selling arms to America's enemies, I came by my progressive sentiments honestly.

    As for Canadian Conservatives, they're a far more direct clan than their American counterparts. They do have their own constitution and periodic policy declarations. Nothing of the sort is to be found in the USA.

    Robertson Davies, who to my way of thinking is Canada incarnate, once said "The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return to the idealised past." Such as these are not a bit better than the Taliban of Afghanistan. Though it may be true, small-c conservatives can't be represented in a political party, the uppercase variety is much-enamoured of just such nonsense.

  5. Dan Weese A blind spot for me - I am used to all parties having policies you can review.
    The Conservatives did small adjustents thing last month and the NDP amended theirs a few years ago so they are not as overtly labour based.

  6. We need less battling over ideologies, and more working together for the common good. Politics have gotten SO hyper-partisan, coupled with a debate style win-loss mentality that both sides (or all three/four in Canada ... maybe five now if Bernier's party does anything??) are actually playing on the same team. If they could just get over themselves, and berating the other side of the room, think of what could actually get accomplished!

    The Party system is the fundamental flaw in democracy. It creates a single point of purchase ... I mean influence ... for lobby/special interest groups.

    Corporately funded and focused lobby groups should be outlawed too. That would certainly solve a lot of problems.
