Sunday 30 September 2018

If we want to stop bullying and mob attacks we have to encourage children to choose to leave uncomfortable situations. We must support their bucking of peer pressure.

If we want to stop bullying and mob attacks we have to encourage children to choose to leave uncomfortable situations. We must support their bucking of peer pressure.

Fred and I were talking about the rumour that Dr. Ford's father would not support her by saying he believed she had been a survivor of sexual assault because it would jeopardize his standing at his golf club. Fred just could not believe a father would not support a child even if he didn't support the adult. I said that's why she didn't report it as a teen but just dealt with it. He flat out said parents don't treat their children like that.

We've both never been without parental support. I was drawn to Fred's family just because they were so clearly supportive. I had a much more contentious relationship with my parents in my teens, but in the end, they were always there for me regardless of how much they disapproved of what I was doing. I've seen what happens when parents don't. I guess Fred hasn't.


  1. "YOU ARE ALLOWED TO LEAVE. You can leave a date, a party, a job, a meeting, a commitment. You are allowed." + A RELATIONSHIP just to be explicit there. Schools should have a semester in the curriculum that teaches wanting to leave is enough in every different way, roleplays it, reads fiction...

    Being from a family that's functional in some way makes it deeply hard to be aware of the alternative. (Not directly related but this classic put a large crack in my unawareness: - Down the Rabbit Hole: The world of estranged parents' forums | )

  2. Absolutely. And we can support it in our relationships by asking someone who looks uncomfortable if they want to leave.
