Friday 21 September 2018

Seems like the cost of being a girl - after all why else would we get all that advice on avoidance if we weren't to blame.

Seems like the cost of being a girl - after all why else would we get all that advice on avoidance if we weren't to blame.


  1. Mitch McConnell on Roy Moore’s accusers: “I believe these women.” McConnell on Kavanaugh’s accuser: This is an 11th hour tactic.

  2. And the damned President gave the perfect example of why they don't report. Freaking POTUS trying to slut shame the victim. How has the orange turd not been impeached yet?? He's a disgrace.

  3. Brian Arbenz he didn't believe then, it was just less important so he could pretend.

  4. Indeed Cass Morrison, the future of his plot to guarantee the Supreme Court permanently upholds voter suppression and gerrymandering was not at stake over whether that doddering idiot from Alabama comes to Washington. Today, that plot is.
