Tuesday, 27 November 2018

The need for 2 L of water a day is a misunderstanding. It's fluids and they can be from foods.

The need for 2 L of water a day is a misunderstanding. It's fluids and they can be from foods.

This drives me nuts when people promote this. Drink when you're thirsty and a little extra if you are working hard or in the heat.


  1. I only drink plain water in the summer when it's bloody hot, even then, in very limited quantities ..
    I go for months without a sip of it through winter.
    However, chuck it in coffee I'll have a go at it :D

  2. Don’t overdo it on doing everything right. You reach a point of diminishing returns. Do a lot wisely, but after a certain point, consume based on enjoyment.

  3. I have never in my life drunk 2L a day :-P. It's good when planning emergency supplies but yes.

  4. I love the fact that “drunk” is also a past participle for drink. I have to confess that it looked for a second like Cindy Brown wrote “I have never in my life drunk.” As in, “I’m not as think as you drunk I am.”

  5. I have always been sober, but I can quit anytime I want!

  6. I have a certain level of hydration and if I go below that I'm usually ending up with parched lips and/or headaches, so i'm usually drinking a lot of water during a day.

  7. I agree with your main point, Cass Morrison, that health news gets distorted. People mistake fluids for water. The public in the U.S. has never understood the difference between the various kinds of cholesterol.
