Monday 19 November 2018

These "people" felt comfortable posting video of animal torture on the internet. Kudos to the guy who reported it.

These "people" felt comfortable posting video of animal torture on the internet. Kudos to the guy who reported it.

Because I'm human, my first thought was they should be treated as they treated the coyote. Bash head a few times against the back of a machine them drag them behind a vehicle after they try to run away. Then my humanity kicked in. Now I think they should be made to eat that animal. Raw. The whole thing in one sitting. Killing is not for sport, it's for survival. Coyotes eat small animals, vegetation and carrion.

I really regret reading the account. The pictures were disturbing enough that I went with just a headline


  1. Our visceral desires to kill for justice do not make us evil. What would be evil would be acting on them without letting our better selves first have the chance to bring us to the alternatives.

  2. An ASU biologist did a research project in 1969 and came up with the price of coyote meat in Arizona as a function of the expenditure of the Animal Damage Control program. It worked out to around $150K, or about three times what all the stock losses would have been if every single one attributed to coyotes were genuine (two horses? I don't think so). - The Cost of Coyote Meat in Arizona

    The hatred that Western farmers and ranchers hold for coyotes is insane and self defeating.

  3. Darn that other species — it's doing just what my own species does! How dare it!
