Monday, 3 December 2018

If you have sex in the boss' office which has overt video surveillance you should expect 1) that surveillance to be used and 2) to be fired. It's rare management gets unbiased evidence of misuse of work time.

If you have sex in the boss' office which has overt video surveillance you should expect 1) that surveillance to be used and 2) to be fired. It's rare management gets unbiased evidence of misuse of work time.

Does it have to be said the only time to have sex at work is if you are a sex worker? Maybe on a break but even then...


  1. Yeah well, uh, it’s not on the list of most workplaces’ approved uses of company facilities.

  2. Sounds like the union is trying to get the employees off with a technicality. They are trying to attack the justification for installing the camera in the first place.

    The story tries to paint the management as trying to target certain members of the staff. Regardless of whether or not this is the case, the actions of the staff is inappropriate and unprofessional. They are just asking for disciplinary action if they are caught which they were.

  3. The only way the union has a case is if the camera was focused in the worker's space rather than the bosses space.

  4. People should watch more Seinfeld. It might prevent such situations.
