Friday, 21 December 2018

Just when I started to get concerned

 Green announcement 1,000 jobs
Very glad AB government not pandering to just one energy sector; they are also brokering deals for the future. Building jobs and looking to the future is a core government function in a capitalist democracy. Renewable energy is the future. During the transition we must support oil of course, hence rail cars, increased refining and reminding the federal government to get the expansion for that pipeline they bought approved.

I tried having a conversation about the trucker deal on Wednesday - everyone at exercise  seemed to think it was awesome. I asked questions like - isn't oil still flowing through the existing pipelines, isn't pipeline construction also stopped in the US and the best one - the pipeline expansion wouldn't kick in immediately so I don't get it. Then I read this and was reminded by Perfesser Dave

... Alberta’s not mad because the Conservatives didn’t build their pipeline, which they think they need, but they are mad because the Liberals are going to build it, but they want the Liberals to build it anyway, and they’re even madder because the Liberals are propping up their industry until the pipeline is finished, even though they say the industry needs propping up, and the pipeline they want isn’t going to make any difference when it’s finished...

Yes, people are hurting now but really - oil has been in flux since I moved to Alberta in the 80s. It's why I made sure if hubby worked in oil field, I did not. So far oil service companies have been hit for last 4 years after a soft bounce back from 2009. What is their business plan?

And truly, there is a pretty significant group of Albertans who would be happy to join the US; live the prosperity version of the bible, destroy the environment, stuff non-hetero people into a closet or send them to "the farm" with the unwanted pets and get rid of the newer immigrants who do the jobs they are paid to do.

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