Wednesday, 19 June 2019


I've wondered for awhile just who is included in the "Millennial" cohort. I know I'm supposed to be late Boomer and I match my horoscope better than the boomer stereotype. Activities Millennials are getting maligned for seem like a reflection of 70s flower child ideals. Turns out Millennials are the people entering the work force for pretty well the last 20 years that I've been doing safety training and would include MY kids. I was a teen in the 70s and managed to dodge the financial downturns of the 80s through luck more than good management.

How would I hope my kids turn out? Through those "participating trophies" we fostered they would learn that showing up counts and acceptance that everyone has valuable skills that should be encouraged and recognized. Having seen parents struggle with employment (we were the first wave of random downsizing and job loss through efficiencies) they would learn not to put off enjoying life. Speaking of works - I expect them to be cynical about loyalty to an employer (see random layoffs) so find the rules and follow them; that goes hand in hand with follow the money because, again, random layoffs in the name of profitability. Kindness, environmental awareness and people willing to take advantage of those qualities to make money off them.

What did I observe over the years of working in a manufacturing plant of mostly millennial men working shift work? Everyone want's defined roles at work and OTJ training. Most of the guys got along well enough with their parents to work with them and in turn became quite involved fathers. If you pay them, they will work. Aside from gossip, they got along pretty well. The main difference over the years is a willingness to follow rules as long as they are enforced. That rules thing can be exhausting for management because they want to pretend there is a rule based meritocracy but they can't really answer questions when they don't walk the walk. And wanting risks assessed because they have a life outside work.

All in all I'm not concerned about Millennials shaping the world.


  1. To some extent, judging the upcoming generation critically is a constant. Oh, what was said about us (late baby boomers): they said we slacked off in grammar, drank and partied, could not be motivated! Of course, going back to Cole Porter's "Anything Goes!" that's always been the pattern.

  2. I feel like the entire critical thing is contrived by media. It's always about how Millennials are threatening capitalism. Why shouldn't they as they've experience the unfettered version. Look at 2009. When banks were bailed out, it could have been by applying gov't money to taxpayer debt but nope - just transfer taxpayer $ to financiers.
