Talking with my dad when we arrived for a visit and he's decided to stop watching news other than, I assume, local evening news. He says he's been much more relaxed since then. When visiting with the in-laws the first thing I asked was if I could turn down the radio. MIL has switched from CBC to Calgary talk radio. Any conversation ends up at odds because there is no agreement on facts to even start from.
I have to admit I'm feeling pretty comfortable opting out of in person political discussion. I live in the best city in Alberta. Why? All services (education, health) are SK based and as a larger SK center we get broader range of services. That means my education tax dollars won't get funneled into religious schools like they will in Alberta. Unfortunately that means people here don't feel the effect of their political choices - but who really does other than the minorities who are thrown under the bus.
We are affluent (and young enough) enough to be able to absorb a 10 year ROI for sustainable life style changes. My biggest lifestyle change will be making myself tip in cash for servers after the UCP legislates a roll back in minimum wage and re-introduces the server split because of tips... We don't eat out much so that's no problem. I will definitely donate to progressive causes and provide personal examples when I think they'd be helpful.
I see the hatchets are out for Trudeau in the international press for admitting the reality of Canada's relationship with oil by passing pipeline expansion. The other knife - I actually can't see how there wouldn't be a conflict of interest being PM and an MP for a constituency with any type of industry or business as made visible by the SNCL issue. For once I will pick the conservative path of knowing how something will be dealt. Could the CPC get in by progressive vote splitting? I don't think with a majority government but Scheer seems to have smothered the vocal white nationalist vote and seems to be courting the no rules group by taking his privately educated kids on a fishing boat with no life jackets.
Trudeau is ever the teacher as shown by how he dealt with a "chance" meeting with Scheer whose been running around having private meetings with businesses. Non sequitur FTW. When told by a cattle rancher wife I should put a bark collar on Bennie I couldn't do the same although I managed not to respond to the "I'm sorry if my comment offended you" not-apology.
Fred and I are on similar political pages at least so my work is done. He's the only one I ever discussed my votes with and it seems we'll no longer be canceling each other out.
I live in a small Canadian Prairie city with a spouse and a dog. We retired in 2018. This is what life is like.
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Weight loss is more than calories in and calories out. Research using a pool of 10,000 participants. People tend to gain weight back. Differ...
Handy grammar infographic. Which errors do you make? I know there are some spell checkers make on my behalf.
We were in Edmonton so I took the opportunity to visit the Microsoft Store, check out the Go and finally purchased it. I knew there was a ...
I'll be going with the "asking questions" route. What services would you like to give up? I think we should cut CCP for anyone who has collected for over the 2 to 3 years that was originally expected to be the payout period don't you?