Thursday 14 April 2016

Interesting conundrum. I will trust the experts who say kindergarten is the "best" grade to repeat but...

Interesting conundrum. I will trust the experts who say kindergarten is the "best" grade to repeat but...

This child seems likely to get bored and since the parents are actively involved with her education, were this my child, I would let her stay with her class. Especially if she has friends. What do those of you with kids think?

1 comment:

  1. I suppose it depends on the kid, and what they're struggling with. I almost skipped kindergarten, but the 1st grade classes those years were already too full. So they skipped me a month into 1st grade. Then they debated again in 3rd grade, and 4th. I was a young overachiever ... luckily by 6th grade the system beat that out of me. LOL My daughter went into JK at 3 years old, and we didn't think she was challenged enough, so we moved her to French immersion.

    I think the decision needs to come down to the parents and the school. The teachers see the struggles first hand every day, and the parents can see the effects of it on the kid at home. If they both agree it might be best, hold them back. Society has pushed so hard for not "leaving them behind" that they push them forward when they really shouldn't. And that, I think, is worse.
