Tuesday 5 April 2016

My heart breaks for the women prosecuted for having a miscarriage. I terminated 2 wanted pregnancies. When you want to be pregnant a failure at any point is an emotional loss. To deal with prosecution as well is torture.

My heart breaks for the women prosecuted for having a miscarriage. I terminated 2 wanted pregnancies. When you want to be pregnant a failure at any point is an emotional loss. To deal with prosecution as well is torture.

The first was an ectopic pregnancy, I had surgery to correct infertility but when I got pregnant it was ectopic. When I told my parents my dad said I must have done something because this kind of thing just doesn't happen. My mom turned around and told him a friend who died in their youth had died of an ectopic pregnancy - cause of death just wasn't really bruited about.

Second was just a pregnancy that didn't develop after an IVF embryo implantation. For weeks I hung on hoping the doctors were wrong.

Before my experiences I was pro-choice. Because of my experiences I am even more pro-choice. Inexpensive, effortless, effective contraception must be available for women and men and be used by both unless a pregnancy is desired. Abortion care is essential. Medication style termination should be freely available. If potential persons are a priority then research must be devoted to artificial uteri. This would help those who can't carry a pregnancy to term as well that those who choose not to.

And yes I do realize this means expanding social services for children.


  1. Please! I think sanctimonious Politicians and Zealots need to keep their noses and eyes out of every woman's secret business. It should be between a woman and her GP and no-one else. Many miscarriages are no-one 's fault and happen spontaneously. Our daughter has had 2 miscarriages. Medically called spontaneous abortions. No-one ' business except hers and her very understanding and caring partner. No-one 's business except theirs. Mr Trump and others should be extremely careful with their language when talking about issues regarding choices women make as consenting adults.
