Tuesday 6 September 2016

When I was in school, it was calculators.

When I was in school, it was calculators.

I wonder how much of this is fear because youth are more comfortable with the tech. There is a lot to monitor and it can be really hard for parents to model the behaviour they want their kids to have. Plus getting integration into classes, so much potential. The only problem I see is social media.


  1. luckily my son's phone broke over the summer, so we didn't have to broach that subject this year.

    and we got a letter home saying that mobile devices are welcome, and the teacher will help the student recognize when it is appropriate for use.

    i'm trepidatious (is that a word) about it still.

  2. I told my son he can have his own phone when He has a job and can pay for it

  3. My 10 year old has had one for tracking and emergency purposes, but not for general use since he was 8, but that was mostly due to the 50 minute bus ride. I let my 8 and 10 year old access phones but not have their "own" device yet.

  4. They used to say that we wouldn't be good at math because of calculators. Turns out we may not be as swift with arithmetic, but we are much better at math.

  5. Cass Morrison Your comment is spot on.
