Tuesday 18 October 2016

An efficient CO2 collection method that results in ethanol. See what science can do when we take a problem seriously?

An efficient CO2 collection method that results in ethanol. See what science can do when we take a problem seriously?


  1. They fail to point out that burning ethanol creates CO2 and energy, so that (barring some miracle) converting CO2 back to ethanol requires energy.  We all knew you could convert CO2 to other stuff if you used energy to do it.

  2. Oh, never mind - they do admit it: "A process like this would allow you to consume extra electricity when it's available to make and store as ethanol."

    So, if you have a bunch of extra energy around, ideally from solar power, you can use it to create some ethanol.  But it's not a "something-for-nothing" scheme.

  3. Yes, many of these solutions are replacing energy sources not getting rid of the need for energy
