Saturday 25 February 2017

Much more likely in profit driven health care systems.

Much more likely in profit driven health care systems.

Even in our universal health care system, if people ask for a treatment, they are likely to be accommodated. Doctors still need patients after all and the treatments are legal. Fred has put off cholesterol medication for a decade by controlling his diet and weight.

Even though I started menopause before 40, I never started HRT and the most I took was a low dose BP medication to moderate night sweats. Now post menopausal for a decade, just keeping active and eating moderately is keeping me healthy.

This is a win on some many levels.

Edited to add:
If you are recommended a course of action for an illness you can check to see how effect treatment will likely be. We humans kind of suck at risk assessment.

long article another edit

Then there's the value of public health initiative. Clean water, healthy food, promoting activities and the availability/wide spread use of preventative measures like vaccines. It's is rare that it is better to treat than reduce the occurrence of an event.


  1. Doctors are loathe to say no to a patient who asks for a particular treatment, because people are frigg'n stupid, and are likely to fire a doc that says no and find, literally, any quack that will say yes.

    By saying yes, doctors can hold on to patients and at least keep an eye on them while they do whatever nonsense they think is best over their doctors recommendation.

  2. yes but...doctors are human as well and hold on to disproved treatment even though they are supposed to continue education. Everyone likes obvious answers. A good physician can convince their patient to take the most effective course of treatment even if it's something like waiting a cold out instead of taking antibiotics.

  3. It would be a wonderful world, if it wasn't for all the people eh 😜

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