Thursday 20 April 2017

I agree with clear labeling of positions and best interests guidance.

I agree with clear labeling of positions and best interests guidance.

Fred and I are very different investors. He's a buyer beware person and I'm an informed consent person. Those are different because the former is much more dependent on personal education. He's also much more hands on. I let my stuff ride for a long time (usually a couple years before I expect to use the money) before I check on it.

I have no problem with everyone making money from investments and even the advisor/manager making extra - after all they are doing the active work. And I definitely accept losses BUT I don't accept a loss while the advisor/manager roll in the cash. Then there's a HUGE incentive for them to rip me off.

We've never used a someone you pay for the service although we do invest in mutual funds and now ETF and stock. I've been very happy with our IG service and very aware of how the fund fees are loaded. It's complicated and if it's not going to be well regulated, there has to be way more consumer education.

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