Saturday 22 April 2017

Name the people making these corporate decisions.

Name the people making these corporate decisions.

It's pretty easy to hide your antisocial tendencies when creating policy. By default you make a lot of money and you aren't really judged on good performance but your reputation for performance. And your rich buddies go along with it because they aren't affected. The poorer people are swayed by your reputation or willing to take the lumps.

Since people who pay for seats have the bizarre naive expectation of getting a seat, perhaps that 10% pure profit should be standby seating at a marginally lower fair - no carry on, pay for each bag in the hold and no guarantee you will get on the flight. It's a win, you don't have to bribe passengers to leave the flight,; you could put up front that they can be removed from the plane! People get the flexibility you tout.

BTW I answer 1 million dollars with Delta. I have places I want to be.

1 comment:

  1. As I prepare to board my Air Canada flight, which they just announced is completely full and they're looking for volunteers to check carry on bags, but not too give up seats yet .... It's bull. If the seat is paid for, is paid for. What they're complaining about, really, is possibly not being able to sell a seat twice, and hope to fill an empty one on a later flight.
