Thursday 20 July 2017

Social contact is the hardest I think. Finding people with similar interests is hard at any age.

Social contact is the hardest I think. Finding people with similar interests is hard at any age.

Visiting with my dad, I'm finding he needs the accessibility features turned on for his computer and tablet. Luckily speech to text has really come along as well. But he's finding it hard to be motivated since his buddy passed away last winter.


  1. Could not understanding how much of our minds are not used be a factor for how much control) and thought we lose as we age

  2. Flouride is a huge factor. It's in everything you eat and drink. It's poison in the water.

  3. I prefer to focus on scientifically proven risk reduction as it increases likelihood for success. 33%reduction using small changes in habit works for me.

  4. What exactly do you mean by natural Margaret Mcgowan? The "increase" side seems entirely natural to me. Keep learning stuff, walk and try to meet people.

    The "decrease" side is more difficult to do unless you start building good habits at a young age. It's not natural to wear hearing protection. As a result, many elderly people have much poorer hearing that they should which is isolating for socializing. It's natural to eat a lot of food one enjoys (which is usually salty, sugary and/or fatty) which increases the risk of obesity, hypertension and diabetes. I'm not sure what you can do to reduce depression as it's a medical condition unless they mean doing therapy/medication to keep it minimized.

    If you mean taking time to home cook meals, eat in moderation and avoid supplements I'd say those are unnatural at this point (unfortunately).

  5. Fruits vegetables water without the fluoride

  6. No sugar anything that has acids

  7. Read the Bible that is what will save us all

  8. I don't remember reading about scientists in the bible

  9. I don't see where the bible actually comes into this but I have read it. It was horrifying they way people treated each other until Jesus came along to advocate feeding the poor, accepting people because none of us is perfect and leaving the judging to God. He gave us brains to learn things and the scientific method is simply a way to do reality checks.

    Religious gatherings can be a good way for elderly people to maintain social contact it's true. I don't know about your no sugar and acids thing since fruit contains sugar (and acids) and how would you know fluoride content (it can be naturally occurring) without science?

    and now I'm closing this discussion.
