Thursday 7 September 2017

Who stands up for the 1 in 6 male targets of domestic abuse?

Who stands up for the 1 in 6 male targets of domestic abuse?

In Britain it's the Men and Boys Coalition. Building on strides feminists made in identifying domestic abuse as not just "a private affair" this coalition is now pushing government to identify and provide resources specifically to help men and boys who have been sexually assaulted/abused. It's past time to get rid of the sexism built into how we view violence and targets of violence. Society must finally admit women can be abusers not just victims so everyone needing help to recover gets what they need.

Yes I am a feminist, no I don't find this group to be a conflict.


  1. A good friend of ours was the victim of domestic abuse..
    The day he finally had enough and went to the cops the officer at the desk actually laughed at him and told him to "man up and grow a pair"

    Pointing out that he had been raised right and taught to always respect women and never raise a hand in anger went straight over the cops head..
    Took him years to clean the crap out of his head over the entire issue.

    And his mum is still proud of him

  2. No one wins in an abuse case except the abuser. Women get disbelieved and men are believed but told to suck it up because ... men are shitty to men who look for help against violence.
