Tuesday 3 October 2017

You really should take1st aid/AED training if given the chance.

You really should take1st aid/AED training if given the chance.

I am a certified first aid instructor with St John Ambulance. Even at work, production ALL production staff take first aid; office staff can't seem to find the time to take a free course that would help them help others. And they are farmers so it's no as if nothing would happen to them. At work there is 3 identified AED locations and there's one at most arenas in town.

In this story, however, the AED was on a private(?) sailboat. Unless location trackers were embedded into the battery or pads, how would you know where a mobile AED was? I'm also not sure privately purchased AED information should be made public as you would have to be quite wealthy to own and maintain one. A better idea, to me, is have them installed and maintained in public spaces and businesses who volunteer to have them accessible.


  1. Took the training about three years ago. Bout time for a refresher.

  2. Yes, if your certificate hasn't expired you can do a one day refresh

  3. "Yoga is invigoration in relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence through self control. Energy within and energy without." Chandra Yoga International provides yoga teacher training courses and yoga retreats internationally and is registered under the Indian state Government. See upcoming dates and fee. sushilyoga.com - 200 hour Dates & Fees
