Monday 25 December 2017

Doing what you love well enough to get paid is a privilege. And why should you get paid for everything you do?

Doing what you love well enough to get paid is a privilege. And why should you get paid for everything you do?

We have this conversation at work every once in awhile. There are some jobs you couldn't pay me enough to do. There are jobs I will do for pay that I don't enjoy but need to be done. Luckily everyone is different


  1. Sick. Children don't know yet what they may love later in life. Even if some did, childhood is for love and safety, play, exploration, and learning. This looks like child abuse to me.

  2. Turning kindergarteners into 'entrepreneurs'? I believe that's called 'child labor.'

    Let them be kids, for crying out loud. The real world, including the insane money race, doesn't need to be in their bookbag.

  3. "There's no reason why children in elementary schools can't be launching their own businesses," Rebekah Neumann told Bloomberg. That's funny. I can think of several, not least that they cannot legally execute a contract until they're 18. Or, more importantly, they don't know how the world works yet.

  4. There are also stories where kids are getting slapped down for having lemonade stands. And the ‘work hard’ ethic is another kick in the teeth when politicians won’t support an increase to the minimum wage, or healthcare for employees.

  5. It's all beyond most children but the distinction between work(ers), entrepreneurs and capitalists rigs the game on them right out of the chute.
    Even many adult entrepreneurs believe mistakenly that thay are "capitalists" likely in a mistaken attempt to juxtapose themselves to "communists" (read garden variety socialists).
    Of course I've skipped over the gross improbability that these youngsters are in any way fit to enter this cage match.

  6. I did fine with milk, graham crackers and story time, thank you. (Not wanting to sound like an old coot, but hey corporations: Let Chilldren Grow Up!)

  7. My baseline reaction is "these people can't get a real job or create real value...they're faking it."

  8. How did Bill Gates or Henry Ford ever make it without this kind of Kindergarten?
