Friday 22 December 2017

Interesting to read and consider, especially the whole discussion around friend zoning and different expectations between men and women

Interesting to read and consider, especially the whole discussion around friend zoning and different expectations between men and women


  1. Every friendship is self-defining. All these articles and rants about "men are" this and "women are" that, they're all annoying and simplistic in extremis. Who is this alarajrogers to say "it's a known thing" about how men's friendships form and evolve? Any practical experience involved? Not a bit. I am as tired of womansplainin' as women are of mansplainin' . And I'll tell anyone who cares to listen: if your friendships resolve to leaning on someone else for emotional support, friendships have a limited carrying capacity for that sort of needy crap. Your friends are not unpaid psychotherapists. If you want to have a friend, be a friend.

    After a while, from having accrued a few emotional scars and not wanting to repeat the painful idiocy of following a stiffie around in pursuit of some exclusively sexual target, most men have learned it's best not to sleep with anyone who isn't already a good friend. Get used to that concept, ladies. It works really well, for both men and women.

    And what is this about women having emotional support networks that men lack? You know what? I don't think this alarajrogers knows many thoughtful men. I strongly suspect her ideas about friendship are nothing more than dumping her emotional garbage on anyone who will listen.

  2. The vast majority of my real friends are women. I want nothing from them other than friendship. I'm sure I'm not alone in that.

  3. Gareth Owen so that listening thing, does it apply to all topics or just feelings? Is there a difference between friends and acquaintances or is that just how you communicate with half the people in the world?

  4. And feelings motivate action so I wouldn't say they are useless.

  5. Shite, it actually makes some sense. This is introspective stuff.
