Saturday 23 December 2017

When I went home for Christmas, I usually went to movies with friends after supper.

When I went home for Christmas, I usually went to movies with friends after supper.

Now I walk the dogs (weather permitting) and watch Dr Who. We also watch the HogFather. What do you do?


  1. In years past, I'd be working (television news). Now, I'm recovering from working, then diving right back into the fray (retail-related).

  2. I've been watching the Doctor Who marathon on and off since we got off the road on Thursday. They just started the Capaldi episodes.

  3. What is this "Christmas" of which you speak?

    Okay, not really - I usually do some work, but this year I'm probably going to just goof off. We don't celebrate, but we have relatives who do, so we'll call them and wish them a Merry Christmas, and then maybe go back to sleep.

  4. I'm a secular person. I enjoy the festive part of the Christmas season, which is about 99 percent of it.

  5. I enjoy the lights and making time to visit with people.
