Tuesday 2 January 2018

New year and this is the new me. Accident recovery pretty well completed.

New year and this is the new me. Accident recovery pretty well completed.

recap- hit by a car walking to work in 2013. Broken ankle and huge head bruise - 8 days in hospital.

The ankle was my main concern (of course). While it's regained enough flexibility for me to do yoga again, it does get stiff after a few minutes of aerobic activity. I don't know how hiking will go but I will have to be careful as it's easy to unconsciously favour one side. I should have been more concerned about my head injury I think. There were 2 side effects. One was I never felt like eating and got tired of chewing. To keep up calories is developed a very poor food selection (candy). I'm now struggling against that because I've returned to constant grazing (rats). The other feels more serious to me and I can't tell if it's age related. I'm reaching for words and forgetting or missing them. Luckily I can describe enough with Google assistant to get ideas of what I want but it's unnerving for someone who's been teased about their vocabulary since childhood. It could also be a side effect of reading less though.

Sucks to age.


  1. I think the latter is reading associated. Since entering academic research full time I've broadened my repertoire of scientific words, because I'm mostly doing science related reading, but I've noticed my general vocabulary has regressed some. It's definitely just about trying to find the time to read more.

  2. I suffer the same issue with words - always teased growing up for using "big words" that other people don't understand, but nowadays I suffer a lot from tip-of-the-tongue syndrome. I blame the wonky sleep cycle in my case.

    And as to the ankle, my closest similarity is a constant battle with a serious case of sciatica. Super annoying, and causes the same subconscious favouring issue.

    In any case, I really hope it all plays out well for you. At least the deep freeze is over. For now.

  3. Agree on the age thing..
    I'm feeling daily aches in places I'm not sure I've always owned..

  4. It sure involves them now.. getting out of this chair will involve them shortly too.

  5. Yeah, that's pretty well how it goes.

    sadly,,, I'm not joking, standing up actually hurts like crap.. I'm fine once I'm vertical and can work all day, but the transition from sitting to standing is becoming very painful. X-rays haven't shown what the problem is.. there's no bone to bone contact, best the doc can tell me is it's man flu..

    Yes, he actually said that, man flu of the knees..

  6. Soft tissue injuries are the worst. Scar tissue can really affect mobility and we (as in people) are not really good with structured exercise and waiting for results.

  7. I'm still paying for the years of "I'm going to throw myself at the world and see which breaks first!". Post-traumatic arthritis is miserable and just keeps getting more challenging because it hurts to move and hurts worse when you don't. Between the spouse and I, we're investing in anti-inflammatory drug futures...

    The age-related memory thing is deeply annoying. I'm not losing vocabulary in writing, but spoken language comes to a shuddering halt when a word suddenly goes missing. It's bad enough being a shy nerd, without sounding like a tongue-tied fool as well.

  8. I think the majority of my current problems come from crazy stuff done in my youth..
    Busted a few bones.. most have involved bone damage and hairline cracks just half way through.. damaged my back in a motorcycle accident back in the 80's that left me in a back frame for a year.. I was mobile, but obviously had zero flex..
    I've also developed curvature of the spine.. that bloody hurts too..
    But hey, I have a pulse, as long as people can put up with the groans, I'm OK.
