Friday 9 February 2018

If you suspect money fraud - GO TO YOUR BANK AND TALK TO THEM IN PERSON!

If you suspect money fraud - GO TO YOUR BANK AND TALK TO THEM IN PERSON!

If you really can't, use your cell (or a different phone) to call them. Pretty scary that when you hang up your land line it stays open long enough for someone to eavesdrop on the subsequent call though.

Other tips

911 doesn't forward you to an investigator.
Financial institutions don't ask you to transfer money to an external institution.
Don't assume phone numbers displayed are correct.

The police say the defrauded people are pretty savvy but I wonder what exactly they mean like that because it seems pretty basic to me not to believe anyone who calls. Especially after my experience with AMEX where they called to tell me about credit card fraud then proceeded to charge my card anyway.


  1. Wow...

    Well I have to do that /anyway/ so there's that...

  2. If these scammers put half as much effort into legitimate schemes instead of these scams ...

    But also, why isn't it Torontoan as opposed to Trontonian? This has always bugged me.
