Thursday, 26 April 2018

Single event mass killing by men convinced they aren't getting their deserved prize (attention from the woman they choose).

Single event mass killing by men convinced they aren't getting their deserved prize (attention from the woman they choose).

Media that still presents men/women relationships inevitably becoming romantic unless the woman is married (maybe) or the man is homosexual is a lot of the problem.


  1. Media, social and otherwise perpetuates this myth that the only possible relationship between a man and woman must be romantic. When it doesn't happen, the socially inept male...well we know the rest...

  2. Said this elsewhere, the media should not use the term ‘incel’ unless they state it is noted that this is a self-given label. Otherwise, it’s validating the ‘martyr’ aspect of the term.

    These clowns aren’t celibate because some unjust conspiracy is denying them sex that is their due as alpha males, they’re celibate because they’ve got messed-up notions about women, relationships, and sex.

  3. Most of the TV shows and movies I have seen depict the man and woman in the show eventually developing a romantic and/or sexual relationship. Usually the man pursues her and continues to do so after the woman continually rejects his advances.

    Shows where the man and woman are strictly peers and respect each other as professionals or simply friends are so rare. The only ones that come to mind are Hunter and Elementary.

    Still TV and movies are supposed to be fiction and are to be taken as entertaining and fantasy. It's nice to escape from reality sometimes. In the end, you have to know the difference between fiction as reality.
