Saturday, 21 April 2018

This seems reasonable to me!

This seems reasonable to me!

I know at work we've struggled with this. People saying they'll attend then don't. Last organized event, half the people didn't show up so everyone had to pay double.. very annoying. More so for restaurants as they say in the article. You do get it back when you arrive and you can just wait for a table.


  1. I understand 100% where the restaurant is coming from and it makes good sense to have a policy. I also intellectually agree with the signs in medical waiting room threatening dire consequences for short notice cancellations. It must be miserable on every level to run a business with no-shows happening all the time.

    BUT I cannot help but feel it should go both ways. If my reservation/appointment is for 2:00, then by-billy-damn, if I'm required to wait any appreciable amount of time past 2:00, I demand compensation.

  2. No different than an automatic tip being added for large groups.

  3. I agree. Restaurants don't have that problem often. I go to doctors and dentists that respect my time.

  4. Cass Morrison My doctor charges for multiple missed appointments.
