Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Vancouver sufferers greatly from NIMBY. Alberta NDP has fallen into the trap of not using an opportunity to innovate and diversify.

Vancouver sufferers greatly from NIMBY. Alberta NDP has fallen into the trap of not using an opportunity to innovate and diversify.

Vancouver is willing to let others take on the environmental cost - they buy from Washington state preferentially which is part of a country dismantling environmental protections. But that's ok because it's far enough away. They are dysfunctional as an industrial port - rail nor ships move through quickly. Workers can't afford to live close by driving up labour costs. The Netherlands moved their deep water shipping and Canada should on the west coast as well.

As for oil - a way to make oil shippable as a floating coal-like product was announced from US of A (a campus that could exist as a closed system because of energy efficiency and reusability) within the last year. Focus on scaling up the process and lowering the environmental cost of a spill by making it a easy to recover and offloading the chemical use to the end user (refineries). Repurpose coal equipment as much as possible.

Trans Mountain project no industry game-changer but may get federal funding anyway


  1. Discussions around here (being the outsider) we kinda laugh at a bit of the hypocrisy of BC... I can't remember where it came from, but someone pointed out that BC has 80% of the environmental issues of canada because they don't filter their sewage out into the ocean. yet they're concerned about a 1 in a million accident of oil over land.

  2. Ryan Moore That one in a million chance occurred a several years ago and is still fresh in people's minds here.
