Saturday 21 July 2018

Most reliable and low maintenance bc there is. Condoms still important for STDs though.

Most reliable and low maintenance bc there is. Condoms still important for STDs though.

Luckily (unluckily?) I haven't had to deal with birth control for decades. First infertile then early menopause. But this was going to be my method of choice as I was not doing well with remembering the pill. Definitely not a cake walk at first. I've had a couple procedures that involve the cervix. For me it isn't a "mild pinch" it's a holy shit ow, ow, ow, ow event. Last time I had taken T3 (I have a reaction to codeine) and it was a toss up between the reaction and the cervical pain.


  1. Best form of birth control? Football double header on TV! 😏

  2. Well of people paying attention to each other
