Saturday 21 July 2018

Week one down. infinite more to go. We spend a lot of time talking about plans.

Week one down. infinite more to go. We spend a lot of time talking about plans.

The thing with retirement, for me, is to have the time to do things I want to do. I had originally planned to volunteer now that I had time. Then I got financially anxious in spite of knowing rationally, the only way we could not have enough money is if the world economy collapsed. Welp there seems to be an effort to do just that through amplifying income inequality. Now I have to also assess if my volunteering would impinge on someone else's ability to earn a needed income. Or should I contract work to keep building income. This is where the talking comes in.

I think I will focus more on volunteering but really restrict to non-profits and things that focus on the wellbeing of others. I would like to get Bennie into pet therapy. He won't be ready for a year but I should be able to start now with training. If that's not a thing in town maybe the SPCA. I could do something with seniors/hospitals since, in Canada, hospitals are not for profit but I'm not that good with people.

Of course it's easy to think this way when the weather is good and it's early days. This winter will tell the tale:)