Monday 27 August 2018

I thought it would non-controversial to expect professors not to pursue relationships with students in your faculty so formalizing that in a policy would be fairly easy. Ah ha ha ha ha. Naive is my middle name.

I thought it would non-controversial to expect professors not to pursue relationships with students in your faculty so formalizing that in a policy would be fairly easy. Ah ha ha ha ha. Naive is my middle name.

I worked at a university as a researcher when I was grad student aged. There were whispers about profs but they weren't about sexual encounters with students. I would like to think that's because there wasn't any rather than because I would so clearly be disgusted/disappointed to find out. Not that there weren't romances and drama, there were. Perhaps it was going on in other faculties.


  1. my friend taught at a uni while i was teaching at a highschool and we'd have this discussion a few times.... at the highschool the policies are there and strict and clearly spelled out (for obvious reasons) - but it was funny how his uni just said 'unofficially' that you probably shouldn't ... but it was only 'relevant' if the kid was in your class at the time, but any time outside of that there was nothing saying you shouldn't or can't.

    just boggled my mind

  2. The difference is, it's assumed in high schools that you are dealing with minors ... ALMOST exclusively. At university, with a handful of first year exceptions, you're dealing with 18+ legal adults. So that doesn't surprise me in the least.

    What's the problem - so long as they're not one of their students, which could influence grades/test results? It's just two adults dating. One's a student, one is already employed. Is that so unusual? Outside of direct conflicts of interest (in class), I don't see ANY issues here.

  3. Young people are being sent to University /college faaaaar too early these days..... Bring back grade 13.... Then add OAC back as well.... The make everyone take at least 2 years and travel, work, goto parties, have casual sex, commit petty crimes....

    Ya know.... Have a life

    Then you'll be fit for post 2ndary school


  4. Clinton Hammond I agree with a break before post secondary but that's a separate issue from instructors and professors sexualizing students.

    Chris Pollard I think faculty rather than class and agree it is difficult when students can have such a wide age range. Screwing a student degrades the expectation of fairness for other students and the professor will be regarded as corruptible.

    It's not as if there isn't a wide range of people at a university.

  5. Cass Morrison true, but love and lust are strange things at those ages. :)

  6. Chris Pollard Which is why it's up to the professor/instructor to be the "adult" in the room.

  7. Cass Morrison while I agree with you, I also don't ... Because they're both adults. I'm a man of many conflicting opinions ... with myself.

  8. I think many people discount the subtle pressures that affect consent. Why is waiting a bad thing if you don't have an immediate terminal illness? I suppose people have to rely on walking an ethical walk. I know as a TA I wouldn't never have dated an undergraduate student.
