Sunday 12 August 2018

There was only ever "free speech" for well off white men and their supporters. Social media allows to everyone see the faces behind the least until they get punted for expecting equity."

There was only ever "free speech" for well off white men and their supporters. Social media allows to everyone see the faces behind the least until they get punted for expecting equity."

Hopefully there is a social revolution where people see "others" are like them in aspirations and working within the rules (everyone wanders outside the line but only some get punished). Nothing to fear here.


  1. "American conservative"

    For the.. umm.. laughs?
    The other day my other half is involved in a conversation and this woman mentions
    "Moby Richard"

    She was questioned.. "don't you mean Moby Dick?"

    "Oh no, I could never use a word that describes a mans private parts"

    She was serious.. she's a filthy minded moron.

  2. I think my comment to Anabelle as she showed me the screen shots (I was at work)
    "That woman sure is a dumb 'womans private area'"
    Yeah, as you say, hilarious..

  3. The popular version of history is that conservatism favors less government and more free market forces determining what is made and distributed. It’s a false history. Read about the McCarran Act of 1950, the National City Lines bogus transit company, the Smith Act of 1939, and Ayn Rand’s “Screen Guide for Americans,” among other big government and closed shop power moves that destroyed the free flow of goods, services and information.

  4. Lordy, tell that woman I had a ball reading that story! Or a, whatever!
