Monday 17 September 2018

Charged under the voyeurism section of the criminal code which makes it an offence to knowingly distribute an intimate image of a person, without the consent of the person depicted in the image.

Charged under the voyeurism section of the criminal code which makes it an offence to knowingly distribute an intimate image of a person, without the consent of the person depicted in the image.

Dating has always been a crap shoot as people are on best behaviour around others they want to impress. Even meeting through a trusted personally known intermediary can be fraught. As the accused said "...that's the great thing about the internet as well as social media. Once it's on it it's on it...._

One reason I think getting to know someone through friendship and common interest is an important first step. Plus who doesn't need friends.


  1. I’m very glad this man was prosecuted, and hope he is convicted.

  2. Gee Cass how rude of you to make a gutless cowardly remark and then not allow me to respond. Don’t even tell me that if you see or hear a car coming onto your property you don’t check to see who is there. Your gutless remark and Gotcha! Only a move a loser would make.

  3. Brian Arbenz my reply was for Cass. Sorry.

  4. hunky dory since it would make no sense to the rest of us, I don't see why you posted it publicly.

  5. Gun control. It was going in circles and now he's done.

  6. On another thread, some person (serious, troll or comedic satire, I don't know which) condemned me for my letters to President Obama, then President-Elect Trump, calling the letters "sanctimonious tomes," then asking: "Who the f--- do YOU think you are to tell any president what he should and should not do, what he did and did not do right. Are YOU GOD? "... What a hoot! Why anyone who writes to a president clearly has a god complex!

  7. Wow, what a piece of crap! Jail time on the horizon we can only hope.

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