Saturday 15 September 2018

What kind of sperm bank would you use? I would only use a facility that provides complete health disclosure. Giving up *all routes to financial access to the donor should be condition of fertilization.*

What kind of sperm bank would you use? I would only use a facility that provides complete health disclosure. Giving up *all routes to financial access to the donor should be condition of fertilization.*

The comments are interesting for this post ranging from statistics about health concerns to some dweeb talking about undesirable women "gaming" the system🙄 I really think biological donors are way over emphasised. Sure for genetic conditions it's important but barring health concerns, the people who support you from childhood to adulthood are your parents. Families can be problematic but it has nothing to do with genetic ties and everything to do with personalities and child raising techiniques. To dump them in favour of some biological contributor you didn't meet until adulthood seems heartless.

And I say this as a someone who thought they were adopted as a small child (not because I wanted to be royalty) and didn't have a particularly smooth adolescence.


  1. I have to laugh at the commenter who was concerned about middle aged women gaming the system. When someone brought up couples they said they couldn't imagine how emasculated they would feel to have the wife making the attribute selection for their child. I wanted to say - hey you were chosen as a spouse so you know what's of value to them. Also, WAT!?! it's a child not a doll, nothing is guaranteed.

  2. Imagine sending a Father’s Day card to #2757.

  3. I did not meet my father, donor #1 and Only, until I was five. I saw him thereafter only about once a decade. My parents had been married when I was born. Still, some married fathers were just sperm donors. And I have still not met all my half siblings.

  4. Health issue disclosure is all good and fine, but people shouldn't forget that many health issues are not really known, especially in areas around mental health. Being on the autism spectrum is often undiagnosed, as is depression.

    I'm not saying not to disclose, but with sperm as with many things, caveat emptor.
