Sunday 14 October 2018

Being older makes it easy to fall behind in social sciences. Quick primer on Gender with definitions.

Being older makes it easy to fall behind in social sciences. Quick primer on Gender with definitions.

It's very difficult to counter arguments on the face that they don't "feel" right. Add to being pretty ok with my gender assignment from all aspects makes this is in no way my fight. I would like to treat all people as people and I would like all people to be treated the same with the same access to services and justice. I hesitate to point out that everyone who buys stuff pays taxes and gets services. Although that may happen in Canada Alberta and perhaps maybe only the town I live in, I don't feel that happens in the US for everyone.

That aside, I'm glad this research exists and definitions are in place so policies can be created that aren't needlessly cruel and invasive to specific segments of the population.


  1. TBH, that is not easy reading. I think it would be rejected as overly complicated by most of the trans people I know. Which is not the same as saying that anything in it is incorrect.

  2. It's not for trans people though. It's the state of gender research.

  3. I would not use that particular explanation for the purpose of creating policies, as it is too difficult to read, and policy documents should ideally be clear and easy for people to understand.

  4. The end products should be but the underlying factors should be examined for completeness .

  5. That blog does not attempt to examine underlying factors for completeness: it attempts to explain, in a semi-academic manner (using academic jargon at time) what some of the common terms are in gender research.

    I have chaired meetings in which trans people have attempted to formulate positions for the purpose of explaining to non-trans people to try to drive policy changes. I have attended a CPATH (Canadian Professional Association for Transgender Health) conference. There is no way that either would have presented this blog to non-academics for the purpose of inspiring policy.

    Again, that is different from saying that anything in it is incorrect, just that it was not intended for such purposes.

  6. It helped me understand so I thought it might help someone else. I'm glad none of the information is wrong. I'm not the type to ask if professionals have thought of x but now I can recognise flawed arguments without making assuming they have.
