Thursday 4 October 2018

There are tips you learn as you deal with money. Trusted friends help. Much nicer not to have to lose money and learn from your own mistakes.

There are tips you learn as you deal with money. Trusted friends help. Much nicer not to have to lose money and learn from your own mistakes.

Unfortunately money mistakes tend to be costly and can be difficult to recover from. Even getting budgeting tips from friends can be helpful.

From the article:
people avoid discussing money with their friends for four reasons: 1) They’re afraid of sounding stupid; 2) They were taught that it’s rude; 3) They suspect they have more money than their peers and don’t want to be resented for it; or conversely, 4) They worry they have less money than their peers and will be pitied. 

And tips
starting with a compliment...They might deflect your compliment at first (“Oh, hardly!”), but reiterate your genuine curiosity

I read a report of a study that said pretty well everyone is anxious about money regardless of income. I suggest skipping talk of numbers and focusing on strategies.

1 comment:

  1. Good timing for me. I just made a $300 mistake. I made an edification trip this week that I should have put off till next week when j am paid, and things are spartan for me now.
