Wednesday, 12 December 2018

I'm back and I'm retired!

I looked up retirement blogs and they mostly seem to be about money or exotic vacations or something unusual the retirees are doing that aren't really relatable to most people. We thought of traveling; going to Australia for F1 or going to the UK for metal detecting but in the end we got a puppy. Between Bennie and Milo hanging in there at over 16 we just feel like staying closer to home for now. What to do with our time? We had a lot planned that would keep us busy for quite awhile. Almost none of it went as planned. I had thought the recovery would be like it was for 2009. This town bounced back pretty quickly. Not so after the oil price collapse a few years ago.

We had planned to sell the house and move to the West Coast. We did put the house up for sale but when we went to the Coast we found we had the choice of retiring or having a house on the West Coast soooo we pulled the house from the market and did some upgrades; updated the flooring upstairs installed storm doors and changed the kitchen door swing. We have some other #HomeProjects planned that I'll update in this space. We also did some stuff I had been putting off - like dropping the landline and culling our cable line up.

The dogs are a pretty big deal. We're trying to do all positive training with Bennie so that takes a lot of time. He's already been in one class and we're doing the 30 day training series with Zak George to keep me on track with training. Add in cranky Milo and our hands are full. 

When we're not leaving town I expected my exercise routine the be settled but after 21 years, NRG4LIFE can't find a venue so I'm doing a new activity - Spin. Did I ever mention I'm not that into bikes? It's very aerobic. I felt like throwing up part way through the first class. I'm better now...and I bought shoes.

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