Sunday 10 March 2019

Update on oldster Milo and puppo Bennie

Things just haven't been great for Milo lately. It's been cold so hanging outside has been minimized and walks rare. Milo was at the vet because he looked like he was in pain. He's now on urinary health food and I'm keeping him on Metacam because he's a lot less mobile when he's off it. He's been off in his own world quite often and unfortunately means he's now forgetting that inside soft surfaces are not grass. He's inherited Duffy's pee pants. Luckily he doesn't care😀

Bennie is starting to leave his adolescence. He's not as bitey as he was last month so my hand is healing and tissues are a little safer. I've been doing a lot of take it/leave it with his food at meal times along with patting him and hand feeding. He has active times - chewing the carpet is pretty appealing after breakfast - but I put that down to cabin fever. He's still out in the sun during the day but it's hard to be out playing with him for more than 5 minutes. We're learning stuff as well! Bennie reminds us daily that dogs have a very strong sense of fairness and status.

Now that Milo is feeling better he's playing with Bennie for short periods. Milo mostly barks at him and does some stiff legged chasing while Bennie will take a very long path so he burn off some energy before bumping Milo from behind. Most of the time they just hang out. Warmer weather is coming and more outside time will be appreciated by everyone.

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