Saturday, 15 February 2020

I work owww-t!

One of the Pluspora CheckIns I led, the QOTD was when did you first start to feel your age. I read an article that physical aging occurs in spurts. (I can't find the link) Mental or not, I did some different biceps with heavier weights and can barely move my arms 3 days later. What happened to 2 day recovery?!?

I've been going to fitness classes for a long time and slowly adjusted to the idea that I can't compete with 20 or even 30-year-olds in terms of intensity. I've done pretty well at adjusting my expectations so I can enjoy my activities. But now, suddenly, it's taking way longer to recover from strength training if I go a little harder. I've always felt I had poor upper body strength so I was pumped when, a few years ago, I could do 10 chin-ups without having to use any kind of momentum and used to regularly to push-ups (I can still do the push-ups.)

And it's more important ever that I do a structured session that hits all the muscle groups and I have someone to guide alignment. As we age and keep movements in a comfortable range, we can slowly reduce our capabilities. I finally got a step stool so I don't have to reach for the top shelves. Is this a good thing or am I subtly reducing my range of motion?

It's interesting because my health goal continues to be to decrease the need for meds or assistance as long as possible. I think the main thing is increments for challenges need to be smaller to reduce recovery time and be more sensitive about muscle fatigue. Good thing brisk walking is a good activity for wellness!

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