Monday, 31 August 2020

Techcopalypse, Bennie vs the voles and summer's end

It's been a frustrating few days between Google Home speakers being on the blink and Bennie barking at bricks.

First up the tech frustration. Our Google home + mini network has always been mildly irritating but manageable. I took a mini out for my dad and deleted our "home" by tip - never do this. I got it working again but it wouldn't recognize each voice and said neither of our homes are supported for two accounts. Then it wouldn't network them together then...I disconnected the Home in the kitchen and said screw it - we always have a phone nearby. Now the mini will control the basement stuff, I use an Echo Dot to manage my space and we've order a wall mount for the kitchen tablet to get it off the counter. We use it for recipes. I'll leave it on split screen so we can have two apps open all the time and install the plugs with built in USB ports so it's always plugged in. There is a reason I'm not eager to get smart kitchen appliances.

Next up the barking. We checked and didn't see anything so we thought Bennie was just barking at bugs - ignoring that he doesn't bark at them, just stares. He barks at bigger things. I finally saw a vole being barked out of it's space so now we're getting them out of the back yard by spraying caster oil and dish soap. They've probably been collecting bird seed. Lots of birds have been passing through the yard as they migrate.

And Fall is definitely on the way as the days get so much shorter and the wind is cooler. This year we actually had a hot spell and we're hoping for at least a warm spell in September. THIS is when I'll notice the effects of the pandemic. I'm not going back to the gym to workout so I'm hoping the multiplex figures out how to broadcast live classes. We also really look forward to our holiday in March which is unlikely to happen. Oh well, maybe COVID-19 (or our behaviour) will evolve to be less contagious. Someone on social media suggested it could become like mononucleosis - always present but mostly asymptomatic.


  1. Bennie, the bane of voles, is just too damn cute.

  2. Yes and alerted us to a mouse infestation. We've resorted to snap traps, which I hate.
