Monday 15 February 2016

There is a lot of soft tissue injury that heals only with exercise. Everything else is just an attempt to not change what you're doing.

There is a lot of soft tissue injury that heals only with exercise. Everything else is just an attempt to not change what you're doing.

I had to come home from work one day because Fred had bent over in the garage to tie a shoe and got stuck that way due to back issues. Not convenient because I had walked to work and had to borrow a company vehicle to get home. Over time he was on anti-inflammatories and other medications for his back. He also had shoe inserts.

We haven't golfed since my accident. He has had no back pain since he stopped golfing. His swing could have been triggering a mild strain so any further activity would create more extensive strain.


  1. Yes but those are only 20% of back pain cases.

  2. I tweaked my sciatic some time ago, can't remember how. But now, if I am sedentary for any length of time, it starts to hurt! So now, I've told my bosses at work that I need to be outside more, and less sit-work. It definitely helps, because I feel better, and I can sit longer without hurting.

  3. Moving is important. Knowing how to move, more so. I've had what I thought was a bad hip for ages - turns out it's weak lower back small muscles and if I just exercise them enough everything is good. It's just difficult not to overdo and work the larger muscle group.

  4. Yeah, that's true. Walking and light stair climbing for short distances are definitely good for me. But aggressive stair climbing for long distances and long ladder climbs tend to be less helpful. I'm guessing it's probably small muscles that need work in my case, too.
