Saturday 19 November 2016

Patients must be informed and respected while undergoing medical treatment.

Patients must be informed and respected while undergoing medical treatment.

Birth is a natural process but unless you are alone in a field there is likely to be some medical response. Turning to midwives, for birth, or naturopathy is wellness areas indicates a failure in patient care training. If you can't discuss a treatment so you and the patient agree and understand maybe don't work with patients.


  1. I find it interesting that this whole article contains one vague example of alleged abuse.... But these alleged victims claim such abuse is "rampant".

  2. The first line cites and links additional complaints. There are also plenty of medical malpractice lawsuits on the books to support the general allegation.

  3. "Yoga is associated with the primary obtainment of complete spiritual unification connecting mind, body and soul with comprehensive yoga session for the complete wellness program that uplifts mental and emotional balance releasing innate source of profound energy." "Chandra Yoga International" create an event on "International yoga day 21st June 2017." - International Yoga Day With Chandra Yoga International
