Sunday 15 January 2017

Surely I am not the only boomer who thinks this is a good thing.

Surely I am not the only boomer who thinks this is a good thing.

There have been many changes in my adulthood. Who better to guide the country into the future than people who grew up in the current economy and with more diverse social mores? And where better to effect change than government that takes us into the future? In our system it takes quite awhile to effect change, there are usually checks and balances and the pols get the be the change they want to see if they're ethical. Sometimes it will be a challenge - sometimes you'll have to justify holidaying with old friends - and open doesn't come right away.

Don't get me wrong, I struggle with this at work as I transition out of old roles so I kick up outside interests. Good parenting includes giving youth the tools to take responsibility. Good government enables generational transition of government.

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