Tuesday 11 July 2017

More denial, higher dropout rate. What people do matters more than what they should do.

More denial, higher dropout rate. What people do matters more than what they should do.

Walking the walk is most visible in health which is most successful changes involve a change in habit. Anecdote ahead - Denial sucks. I had a condition where I was advised to stop imbibing alcohol. No big deal, I don't drink much. Oh but it was summer and there are so many yummy frozen options. Every drink passed up felt like I was giving up the best thing forever so I really missed it. It took a lot of energy and diminished the enjoyment of the moment.

I can't imagine fasting every other day - I really like eating.


  1. Actually, being easier to adhere to than regular all-inclusive diets, I find 5/2 fast diet more effective if only because it is simpler.

    It's like the old adage: What's the best excercise? The one you will do. Same with diet plans. Fasting is one I will do.

  2. I have to eat every 3 hours, or I'll die. Unless I'm sleeping.

  3. As to the article, I'm not surprised by the notion that it's basically just another fad diet. There are always exceptions, but in general I always tell people they just need to eat good, well-prepared, food. The old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day still applies, and ensuring you get a healthy amount of fibre just makes sure your digestion works properly.

    If I get deep into a discussion with people, my stance is simply to look at the overall nutritional value of what you're eating and think of it as a ratio of energy vs nutrients.

    But yeah. Fasting probably does have uses in many cases, but I strongly believe that discussing your health with a doctor (or more than one doctor) is the right path before choosing a wacky diet.
