Wednesday 2 August 2017

Pet Vax-questioning has been here a long time and it started with rabies.

Pet Vax-questioning has been here a long time and it started with rabies.

Did rabies need boosting every year or was a 3 year cycle was sufficient. Now we vaccinate every 3 years so that was a question worth asking. Vet care is expensive and I don't vaccinate for disease that isn't a risk in our area. I also didn't do flea/tick regularly because, again not endemic for our area. We do bordatella even though the effectiveness is questionable because the dogs go to a kennel that requires it and they don't have any observable reaction. And deworming, dogs like eating dead/decaying things and we have a yard.

I had a dog with autoimmune disease so he didn't get his vaccination while he had an episode that degraded his liver. I kept him away from other animals. Eventually he was boosted. Milo and Duffy don't even yip when they get their boosters. Milo is 15 and Duffy is 12 August 30.

1 comment:

  1. Sentence them to watch Old Yeller 50 times in a row, I say.
