Monday 11 September 2017

Back to school means snacks!

Back to school means snacks!

I'm more of a fruit snacker but yum bell peppers.


  1. Exposure is the cure for peanut allergy

  2. Gaythia Weis​. this is what Clinton Hammond​ is referring to. Removing baby's peanut exposure all together has led to a higher rate of peanut allergies. - Peanut Allergy: Early Exposure Is Key to Prevention

  3. There are also studies showing microdosing (nanodosing) have also helped with tolerance levels.

    One of my son's good friends has allergies and has really put us on alert since JK.

    I used to be one of the "ah well my kid just won't go near" but upon seeing families go through what they do when there's severe allergies.

    Even in my office there is a colleague with severe allergies that we have to really watch what we have catered as he has severe allergies and touching a spoon that had been used can cause issues (or he touches the counter where a dirty spoon touched)...

  4. Note that the article cited above also states: " it is also recommended that high-risk infants—those with a history of severe eczema and/or egg allergy—undergo a blood or skin-prick test before being given foods containing peanuts. The test results can help to determine how, or even if, peanuts should be introduced in the youngsters’ diets."

    I think that there may be a bit of "Darwin in action" involved." There are things about modern medicine that do let those who might be "unfit" to survive. But who would forgo the Epipen, or emergency room trip to improve the gene pool?

  5. Yes, it did say high risk infants should be tested before introducing but people can start having allergies any time. And allergies fade/change with age. Spouse had a strong negative response to cashews as a child but it's a minor irritation as an adult (which we found out by accident because we're careful about that.)

    I certainly want to accomadate people with allergies. I asked every kid last halloween if they were allergic to nuts because I had two types of chocolate bars. But I also want to avoid having to medicate and limit life. If a mild exposure as an infant can build immunity, that's a good thing.
