Friday, 18 May 2018

Pregnancy is a life changing experience for your body. The LEAST the medical profession could do is look after the woman after birth to help her body recover as much as possible.

Pregnancy is a life changing experience for your body. The LEAST the medical profession could do is look after the woman after birth to help her body recover as much as possible.

How could it not be? Your body goes through huge physical and hormonal changes. For physicians to shrug off problems as things that will go away is irresponsible. After all, we set broken bones for best case healing - why bother when they will mend anyway.

I live in an area with a reasonable birthrate. Most women have one to 3 children. Every one of my friends who had children seem to accept how they were treated before and after and the doctors I've seen have been pretty sensitive about both patients. But it's really easy to focus on the baby as being more vunerable so worthy of effort. Luckily women can take up to a year off to recover.


  1. But as a man, I have to ask: What’s pregnancy got to do with my life? I mean, what do I owe pregnancy? What did a woman’s womb ever do for me? (Hypocrisy sufficiently apparent?)
